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Munsell N5 Neutral Grey Paint Munsell N5 Neutral Grey Paint

Munsell N5 Neutral Matt Grey Vinyl Latex Emulsion Paint
1 US Gallon Tin (3.78 liters)
Not all greys are neutral! A “neutral” gray is not simply a black-white mix, but an equal mixture of all the spectrum (r-o-y-g-b-i-v) colors. A spectrophotometric measurement of such a grey will show it to contain approximately equal amounts of those spectrum colors. Non-neutral grays, however, have unequal amounts of the spectrum colors, causing a cold or warm color shift under differing lighting conditions.

Graphiclite® Standard Gray Neutral provides the neutral surround conditions specified in Colour Standards
Why is Neutral Grey specified and recommended for color viewing?
1. It eliminates “simultaneous color contrast”. For example, a red sample viewed on a blue background has an orange cast, while the same red viewed on a yellow background appears slightly purple. For the eye to see color accurately, it is imperative that the surround environment be chromatically neutral.
2. It minimizes “colour pollution” of viewing areas caused by reflections from chromatic surfaces. When D50 or D65 standard illumination is reflected from colored walls, etc., it's colour quality changes so it's no longer “standard”. The application of a neutral grey to chromatic surfaces will eliminate such color pollution by providing spectrally neutral surfaces around the viewing area.

One gallon provides an approx. coverage of 42 square meters (450 square feet) per gallon but is very dependent on surface absorbancy.

Our Price: £150.00 Exc VAT
Munsell N7 Neutral Grey Paint Munsell N7 Neutral Grey Paint

Munsell N7 Neutral Matt Grey Vinyl Latex Emulsion Paint
1 US Gallon Tin (3.78 liters)
Not all greys are neutral! A “neutral” gray is not simply a black-white mix, but an equal mixture of all the spectrum (r-o-y-g-b-i-v) colors. A spectrophotometric measurement of such a grey will show it to contain approximately equal amounts of those spectrum colors. Non-neutral grays, however, have unequal amounts of the spectrum colors, causing a cold or warm color shift under differing lighting conditions.

Graphiclite® Standard Gray Neutral provides the neutral surround conditions specified in Colour Standards
Why is Neutral Grey specified and recommended for color viewing?
1. It eliminates “simultaneous color contrast”. For example, a red sample viewed on a blue background has an orange cast, while the same red viewed on a yellow background appears slightly purple. For the eye to see color accurately, it is imperative that the surround environment be chromatically neutral.
2. It minimizes “colour pollution” of viewing areas caused by reflections from chromatic surfaces. When D50 or D65 standard illumination is reflected from colored walls, etc., it's colour quality changes so it's no longer “standard”. The application of a neutral grey to chromatic surfaces will eliminate such color pollution by providing spectrally neutral surfaces around the viewing area.

One gallon provides an approx. coverage of 42 square meters (450 square feet) per gallon but is very dependent on surface absorbency.

Our Price: £150.00 Exc VAT
Munsell N8 Neutral Grey Paint Munsell N8 Neutral Grey Paint

Munsell N8 Neutral Matt Grey Vinyl Latex Emulsion Paint
1 US Gallon Tin (3.78 liters)
Not all greys are neutral! A “neutral” gray is not simply a black-white mix, but an equal mixture of all the spectrum (r-o-y-g-b-i-v) colors. A spectrophotometric measurement of such a grey will show it to contain approximately equal amounts of those spectrum colors. Non-neutral grays, however, have unequal amounts of the spectrum colors, causing a cold or warm color shift under differing lighting conditions.

Graphiclite® Standard Gray Neutral provides the neutral surround conditions specified in Colour Standards
Why is Neutral Grey specified and recommended for color viewing?
1. It eliminates “simultaneous color contrast”. For example, a red sample viewed on a blue background has an orange cast, while the same red viewed on a yellow background appears slightly purple. For the eye to see color accurately, it is imperative that the surround environment be chromatically neutral.
2. It minimizes “colour pollution” of viewing areas caused by reflections from chromatic surfaces. When D50 or D65 standard illumination is reflected from colored walls, etc., it's colour quality changes so it's no longer “standard”. The application of a neutral grey to chromatic surfaces will eliminate such color pollution by providing spectrally neutral surfaces around the viewing area.

One gallon provides an approx. coverage of 42 square meters (450 square feet) per gallon but is very dependent on surface absorbency.

Our Price: £150.00 Exc VAT